Mekong . 1996-2008

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Mekong, 1996 neg.21982.2.1996 China

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2001 neg.236879.2B.31.2001 Cambodia

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2000 neg.231183.6.2.2000 Laos

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2000 neg.231183.11.12.2000 Laos

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2001 neg.236878.5.8.2001 Cambodia

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image,edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2001 neg.236878.3.1.2001 Cambodia

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2001 neg.236878.8.9.2001 Cambodia

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2008 neg.665265.2.5.2008 Vietnam

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2008 neg.665265.2.2.2008 Vietnam

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2008 neg.665265.2.7.2008 Vietnam

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2008 neg.665265.2.4.2008 Vietnam

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Mekong, 2008 neg.665265.2.8.2008 Vietnam

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper